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Coaching &

Developmental Editing


Coaching and Developmental Editing involve transforming your project ideas into a literary or visual artifact, depending on the medium. For authors, this can involve completing a draft or providing feedback and structural changes to a completed manuscript.


Coaching and Developmental Editing are tailored to meet your specific project's needs. This can include high-level 1-on-1 brainstorming sessions to create a road map, prioritization strategy, structure, and outline. 


Developmental Editing can rearrange sections and chapters, trim the fat, and fill in the gaps. I'll provide meta-level guidance while helping you straighten out the details.


Options for services will also include research, rewriting, restructuring, and line editing. I will assess your manuscript and together, we will make a plan before I guide you through the process.


My insight and expertise will support this critical stage of completing your story. 


Pricing is subject to sample review. 



What you get


Coaching & Developmental Editing provide process-focused, high-level guidance. This will not only make your work better; the feedback you will receive has the potential to enhance your storytelling capacities. Think of it like a masterclass tailored to you—Coaching and Developmental Editing constructively reflect your strengths and areas for growth. 


Coaching & Developmental Editing include a range of services specific to you and your project that may include:


  • 1-on-1 meta-level coaching and brainstorming sessions

  • A road map, prioritization strategy, structure, and outline

  • Comments and questions to flesh out your message, plot, voice, tone, and style

  • Marked suggestions for sections to be cut, rearranged, or improved

  • Succinct feedback summaries for each chapter

  • Fact-checking and research-based inquiry as needed

  • A clear and navigable road map for you to improve your book

  • A final follow-up review of your updated manuscript after you have executed revisions



Recent Coaching &
           Developmental Projects

24My Little Piece of Sky.png
Empire of Shadows.png

My Little Piece of Sky is a posthumous memoir.


I coached the family through collaboration and provided edits at every stage, including book design, formatting, and Amazon self-publishing 

In 1-on-1 coaching sessions, the author developed a comprehensive tone, wrote the introduction, and restructured and organized chapters.

Empire of Shadow included 1-on-1 Zooms and a 3-page deliverable of chapter-by-character analysis, publication strategies, and supportive questions. 



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