Coaching &
Coaching and Developmental Editing involve transforming your project ideas into a literary or visual artifact, depending on the medium. For authors, this can involve completing a draft or providing feedback and structural changes to a completed manuscript.
Coaching and Developmental Editing are tailored to meet your specific project's needs. This can include high-level 1-on-1 brainstorming sessions to create a road map, prioritization strategy, structure, and outline.
Developmental Editing can rearrange sections and chapters, trim the fat, and fill in the gaps. I'll provide meta-level guidance while helping you straighten out the details.
Options for services will also include research, rewriting, restructuring, and line editing. I will assess your manuscript and together, we will make a plan before I guide you through the process.
My insight and expertise will support this critical stage of completing your story.
Pricing is subject to sample review.
Coaching & Developmental Editing provide process-focused, high-level guidance. This will not only make your work better; the feedback you will receive has the potential to enhance your storytelling capacities. Think of it like a masterclass tailored to you—Coaching and Developmental Editing constructively reflect your strengths and areas for growth.
Coaching & Developmental Editing include a range of services specific to you and your project that may include:
1-on-1 meta-level coaching and brainstorming sessions
A road map, prioritization strategy, structure, and outline
Comments and questions to flesh out your message, plot, voice, tone, and style
Marked suggestions for sections to be cut, rearranged, or improved
Succinct feedback summaries for each chapter
Fact-checking and research-based inquiry as needed
A clear and navigable road map for you to improve your book
A final follow-up review of your updated manuscript after you have executed revisions

Recent Coaching &
Developmental Projects

My Little Piece of Sky is a posthumous memoir.
I coached the family through collaboration and provided edits at every stage, including book design, formatting, and Amazon self-publishing
In 1-on-1 coaching sessions, the author developed a comprehensive tone, wrote the introduction, and restructured and organized chapters.
Empire of Shadow included 1-on-1 Zooms and a 3-page deliverable of chapter-by-character analysis, publication strategies, and supportive questions.